Connection through the Retail Experience

Episode 074 • 41 min

What is the role of design in physical and digital retail experiences?

shopping mall

Photo by Ussama Azam on Unsplash 


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In this week’s episode, we learn more about the future of the store. Sam is joined by Larry Rodgers, the Head of Retail and Assisted Channel Experiences at Verizon. Larry shares the evolution of retail in the last year and the reasons why customers go to retail. Later on in the show, they are joined by Toby Barnes, the Head of User Experience at Amazon Alexa Northstar. Together they discuss how they have used design to engage customers, the effects of digital adoption, and telling a story through retail.  

Weekly Dose of Good Design


Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Larry Rodgers

Larry Rodgers


Guest Co-host

Toby Barnes

Toby Barnes

