Live Show: Unlock Your Inner Design-preneur

Episode 063 • 47 min

Design is Everywhere LIVE

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash


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As part of our monthly Design is Everywhere live series, we learn more about launching a startup and how to design startups for success. Sam is joined by Sara Hartmann, an educator and arts entrepreneurship change agent who has designed costumes for The History Channel, The Boston Conservatory, and more. Sara chats about combining her background in design to the startup world and MassArt’s Creative Economy Workshop Series. Later on in the show, they are joined by Steve Hoffman, the CEO of Founders Space, one of the world’s leading startup accelerators. He’s also a venture investor, serial entrepreneur, and author of several award-winning books, including Make Elephants Fly and Surviving a Startup: Practical Strategies for Starting a Business, Overcoming Obstacles, and Coming Out on Top. Together, they discuss the importance of good design and how to build a successful startup team.


Weekly Dose of Good Design
Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Sara Hartmann

Sara Hartmann


Guest Co-host

Steve Hoffman

Steve Hoffman