Top Highlights from the 2022 Annual Meeting

In case you missed it, or just want to relive some of the magic, here are some of the top highlights.

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2022 Annual Meeting! There is no better way to start the year than by gathering together, reviewing the last year, and looking forward to the one ahead. 

In case you missed it, or just want to relive some of the magic, here are some of the top highlights:


Year in Review 

Over the course of 2021, together our CoDesign Collaborative community was able to:

Upcoming Programs

With 2022 already off to an amazing start, this year you can look forward to:


Distinguished Medals of Service

It was our great honor to present Dieter and Karen Reuther with the Distinguished Medals of Service, which recognizes excellence in the mission of bringing the transformative power of design everywhere.

Featured honorees Dieter and Karen Reuther smiling in a Zoom meeting


How to Get Involved

Feeling excited about 2022? There are multiple ways to help us spread the power of design everywhere: 

Thank you for helping us make 2022 our best year yet!