Welcome to the New CoDesign Collaborative Website

From our Executive Director

Our new digital architecture reflects the dynamic nature of our unique museum.

Welcome to the new CoDesign Collaborative website! This project was a true labor of love and a long time coming. We unveiled our previous website five years ago, and in that time, our organization has grown and changed in wonderful ways; this website reflects that growth.

As a nomadic museum — one without physical architecture of our own — I’ve always considered these pixels to be our bricks. A sentiment we enshrined in our strategic plan:


Digital Architecture

We will build best-in-class digital experiences to work more efficiently and to delight our audience.

We’re certainly heading in the right direction. The new website does a better job telling the world who we are, showing our impact, and it’s more focused on thought leadership content surrounding our 12 Design Impact Areas. This helps elevate Design Museum Magazine, our quarterly publication on design impact, to the level of our unique public programming. It’s now much easier to see all of our programs, as well as find great events and exhibitions to attend and explore.

What’s just as exciting to us goes beyond the new look and feel of the website: what’s under the hood is perfect for the CoDesign Collaborative. Our programs and content are dynamic, and this new site allows us to easily customize every pixel of every page to reflect what works best for any given program, event, magazine article, you name it. While I designed the site myself, for this important part, I have the smart web developers at Cardwell Beach to thank. We brought them on to build the design in a way that could grow with us as we seek to bolster our programming and expand geographically. This site will grow right along with us. A special thank you to Stephen Harman, Annett Napoli, Mark Cardwell, and Mike Beach, for making this all come together so beautifully.

And thank you for visiting and supporting the CoDesign Collaborative. Allow me to be the first to officially welcome you to the new CoDesign Collaborative website, our digital home. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable. I hope it connects you to the museum and our shared love of design,

— Sam Aquillano, Executive Director