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Community • Boston
Now What?! Exhibition Design & Social Practice
Join us at BSA Space for an exhibition tour and design discussion of Now What?! Advocacy, Activism & Alliances in American Architecture Since 1968
May 23 2023
Workplace • Portland
Creativity and Collaboration: Coworking Event in Portland
Connect, Create, and Cowork with CoDesign Collaborative in Portland on May 25.
May 25 2023
Workplace, Environment, Community • Virtual, San Francisco
Common Space: Designing for Respite, Connection, and Belonging
Join the museum and the Bay Area design community for a conversation to celebrate Design Museum Magazine Issue 025, The Common Space Issue.
May 17 2023
Workplace • Virtual
Design Museum Mornings: Cannabis
Join us for Design Museum Mornings exploring the Boston cannabis industry.
May 3 2023
Workplace • Boston
Community Coffee Meetup | BOS
Come together, have coffee, and connect with local designers and design enthusiasts.
Apr 18 2023