Support Design Museum Magazine Special Issue on Kickstarter

The Policing Issue: How one of the most powerful institutions functions by design

CoDesign Collaborative is seeking support for a special edition issue of Design Museum Magazine, The Policing Issue, challenging the design of policing that will be published on the one year mark of the murder of George Floyd. To become a “project to love” on Kickstarter we need to raise $20,000. Please use the link below to show your support .

Help us raise $20,000 before March 31st!

This special issue will feature the work of over 16 BIPOC designers, writers, and researchers, to challenge and explore the relationships, limits, and futures between design and policing. Note: This cover is a sample mock-up and will not be the final cover.


The Policing Issue will explore the relationships between design and policing: from the physical objects currently in use by officers, to the ways in which the design process perpetuates unjust practices rooted in policing, to the design of a protest movement. 

We are proud to announce our partnership with Guest Editor Jennifer Rittner, a designer and educator focused on the intersection between design and social justice, to produce this special edition of the magazine. 

The design of policing, as well as our collective narratives about safety, security, and community, are informed by our beliefs about their place in our lives. The design of architecture, urban planning, environmental graphics, lighting, transit systems, digital devices, apps, schools and workplaces: these all intersect with policing in ways that are often invisible to those who carry privilege, but are deeply oppressive for people of color. This special issue is one opportunity for researchers, writers, policy makers, designers, and civic leaders to come together and engage with foundational ideas about the design of policing.

In addition to long form pieces and interviews from contributors, there will be a transcribed roundtable which features design and social justice leaders examining the role that design plays in protest and policing. CoDesign Collaborative is also commissioning multiple artists of color to create original visuals for the issue, totaling 16 artists, designers, researchers, and writers of color paid for their contributions to this special edition issue.

Contributors include:
  • Jennifer Rittner: Guest Editor
  • Ajay Revels: Lead Researcher
  • Timothy Bardlavens: Creating a visual essay on the tools currently in use by police
  • Sarah Fathallah and A.D. Sean Lewis: Unraveling the links between the design process and policing
  • David Lamb: Writing about the economics of policing, specifically bonds and prison design
  • Shanti Mathew and Stephanie Yim: Exploring how mutual aid designs community
  • Jamie McGhee: Interviewing activists, reformers, and designers about their visions for the future of policing
  • Ivy Climacosa: Panelist of Designing Protest Roundtable
  • Niki Franco: Moderator of Designing Protest Roundtable
  • Annika Izora: Panelist of Designing Protest Roundtable
  • Dustin Gibson: Panelist of Designing Protest Roundtable
  • And more to be announced!

The physical qualities of the publication mirror a soft-cover book. The 6.5×9 inch size is easily transported, picked up, and read. The cover will be a heavy weight stock, thicker than our usual magazine stock, in order to reinforce the durability and importance of the content. Inside, the special edition will feature over 100 pages of full color illustrations, imagery, and text, printed on archival quality paper.

Upon publishing, the contributors will be featured on our podcast, Design is Everywhere, to go deeper, contextualizing and elaborating on their pieces.

Your support not only enables the creation and distribution of this special issue, but it is also a commitment to evaluating the impact design has in policing and advocating for change. 

To become a “project to love” on Kickstarter we need to raise $6,000 on the day we launch. Please use the link below to show your support and agree to pledge on day one. When you pledge, we will contact you on March 1st to fulfill your pledge.

Raise $20,000 in 30 Days

  • Must raise $20,000 between March 1-31, or we get nothing

  • Getting featured by Kickstarter is critical

  • 1st 24 hours: raise $6,000


Pledge $20

Support The Policing Issue
You will have our gratitude! Plus you’ll have access to our online community.
  • Access to online community

Pledge $45

Magazine Issue + Subscription!
Receive this special issue of Design Museum Magazine and a 1-year subscription to Design Museum Magazine. Plus you’ll have access to our online community and digital issues.
  • Receive the print issue
  • 1-Year subscription to Design Museum Magazine
  • 1 year of digital access
  • Access to online community

Pledge $100 

Buy 1 Give 1 + Cover Art Postcards
Amplify your impact, give a 1-year Design Museum Magazine subscription to a student when receiving one for yourself. Plus we’ll recognize you in the special issue and send you 5 postcards featuring the special issue cover art.
  • Receive the print issue
  • 1-Year subscription to Design Museum Magazine
  • 1 year of digital access
  • CoDesign Collaborative will give a 1-year Design Museum Magazine subscription to a student
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by name on magazine website for issue
  • 5 Cover Art Postcards
  • Access to online community

Pledge $250

Buy 2 Give 2 + Cover Art Poster
Amplify your impact, give Design Museum Magazine subscriptions to two students when receiving one for yourself and one to share. Plus we’ll recognize you in the special issue, send you 5 postcards and 1 poster featuring the special issue cover art.
  • Receive 2 copies of the print issue
  • 2x 1-Year subscriptions to Design Museum Magazine
  • 2x 1 year of digital access
  • CoDesign Collaborative will give 1-year Design Museum Magazine subscriptions to 2 students
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by name on magazine website for special issue
  • 5 Cover Art Postcards
  • Cover Art Poster
  • Access to online community

Pledge $500

Digital & Podcast Advertising + 10 copies
Affiliate your brand with The Policing Issue with advertising in the corresponding podcast, your logo on the The Policing Issue website, and 10 print copies to share. Plus we’ll recognize you in the special issue, and send you 5 postcards and a poster featuring the cover art.
  • Receive 10 copies of the print issue
  • 1 year of digital access
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by logo on magazine website for special issue
  • Thanked in corresponding podcast episode
  • 5 Cover Art Postcards
  • Cover Art Poster
  • Access to online community

Pledge $1,000

Half-Page Ad
Affiliate your brand with The Policing Issue with a half-page ad in this special issue of Design Museum Magazine — placements are first-come-first-serve (only 6 available). Plus you’ll be thanked in our corresponding podcast episode and receive 20 copies of the magazine, 10 postcards, and a cover art poster. 
  • Half-page ad in special issue
  • Receive 20 copies of the print issue
  • 1 year of digital access
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by logo on magazine website for special issue
  • Thanked in corresponding podcast episode
  • 10 Cover Art Postcards
  • Cover Art Poster
  • Access to online community

Pledge $2,500

Full-Page Ad + Signed and Framed Poster
Affiliate your brand with The Policing Issue with a full-page ad in this special issue of Design Museum Magazine — placements are first-come-first-serve (only 4 available). Plus you’ll be thanked in our corresponding podcast episode and receive 50 copies of the magazine, 25 postcards, and a special signed and framed cover art poster by the artist.
  • Full-page ad in special issue
  • Receive 50 copies of the print issue
  • 1 year of digital access
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by logo on magazine website for special issue
  • Thanked in corresponding podcast episode
  • 25 Cover Art Postcards
  • Signed and framed cover art poster by the artist
  • Access to online community

Pledge $5,000

Private session with magazine editors, authors and artists
Meet the creators of the The Policing Issue. Dive deep and enjoy a private meeting with the magazine editors, authors, and artists (only 1 available). Plus you’ll be thanked in our corresponding podcast episode and receive 100 copies of the magazine, 50 postcards, and a special signed and framed cover art poster by the artist.


  • Private session with magazine editors, authors and artists
  • Full-page ad in special issue
  • Receive 100 copies of the print issue
  • 1 year of digital access
  • Recognized by name in print issue
  • Recognized by logo on magazine website for special issue
  • Thanked in corresponding podcast episode
  • 50 Cover Art Postcards
  • Signed and Framed Cover Art Poster by Artist
  • Access to online community