The Business of Design
Design Museum Magazine Issue 021
How can we bridge the gap between business and design?

Design Museum Magazine’s Winter 2021 issue is available for purchase. The Business of Design Issue features eight in-depth pieces on the intersection of business and design, including the stories we tell about entrepreneurship, how to accelerate a start-up, and leadership in design.
“Design is valuable, and designers are now at the decision-making table.” — Sam Aquillano, Letter from the Editor.
The Business of Design Issue features:
- An exploration of the value of design by Jen Briselli, Chief Design Strategy Officer at Mad*Pow;
- A look into what it means to tell honest stories about entrepreneurship by Sara Hartmann, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Massachusetts College of Art and Design;
- An article dedicated to the minimum acceptable designed experience for startup success by Danielle Shaheen, Co-founder, Managing Director, Fresco Design;
- A new approach to collective partnerships by Bret Recor, Founder + Creative Director, Box Clever;
- A conversation on how education can bridge gaps with Adrian Gill, Founder, Ad Hoc Industries;
- A reflection on creating a balance between generalist and specialist by Angela Yeh, Founder and Chief Talent Strategist, Yeh IDeology and the Thrive by Design Program;
- A peek into experience leadership with Jane Austin, Chief Experience Officer, Digitas UK;
- And a deep dive into the next generation of chief design officers by José Dos Santos, Head of Design Americas, Signify and Sebastian Fixson, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Innovation, Babson College.
Purchase The Business of Design Issue and/or subscribe to Design Museum Magazine to receive stories about creative thought leaders who are using design to change the world.