Watch Now: The Most Important Coding Lesson I’ve Ever Learned (and the Runners-Up)

Watch an inspiring talk about coding from CoDesign Collaborative Week by Talia Cotton, Lead Designer and Coder, Pentagram.

This is the kind of talk every designer for whom coding is a great (and scary) unknown should hear. Starting with the runner-up lesson “everything is possible,” this lightning talk cycles through a series of mini-lessons that are disguised as tips Talia Cotton has learned (and taught) about coding-as-design, but are ultimately meant to inspire the audience to do something they wouldn’t otherwise see themselves doing within and beyond their design practice. Reflecting Cotton’s own experience and learnings as a woman who codes, the talk pleads not only that everyone can code, but that diverse backgrounds of coders are crucial for the advancement of the design industry. The talk is uplifting, informative, and provides a window into a world that is often feared but always attainable.

This talk was recorded on April 26 as part of CoDesign Collaborative Week.