Bespoke Bodies
The Design & Craft of Prosthetics
Get your copy of our latest publication, Bespoke Bodies!

Bespoke Bodies: The Design and Craft of Prosthetics, by Amanda Hawkins and Sam Aquillano, is a 200-page publication featuring the past, present, and future of prosthetic design and impact including: a 500-year history of prosthetics, stories of design changing the lives of people with limb-loss, and seven guest thought leadership essays spanning global impact, athletic performance, bionics, and more. The book is an accompanying resource to CoDesign Collaborative’s exhibition of the same name, which you can explore further on the program page. Curious about our approach? Read about our process.
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About the Book
Advancements in medicine, robotics, and 3D printing have transformed the intersection between the human body and technology. For the researchers and innovators around the world working to improve the field of prosthetics, design plays a critical role in humanizing new technology and allowing people to customize and integrate devices into their lives like never before. 45 case studies featuring stories from professional athletes, veterans, kids, and more consider contemporary prosthetic design from functional, aesthetic, and social perspectives. From DIY inventions to the development of mind-controlled bionic limbs, patients, clinicians, designers, and artists demonstrate the meaningful impact of human-centered design on our lives, and ultimately, the future of our mobility.
Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics also features 7 long-form articles by amputees, prosthetists, designers, advocates, and doctors, including:
- Krista Donaldson, Equalize Health (formerly known as D-Rev)
- Dr. Shriya Srinivasan, co-developer of the Ewing Procedure
- Sophie de Oliveira Barata, The Alternative Limb Project
- Kaylee Dougherty, Boston Ocular Prosthetics
- Wafa Lavelle, Advocate and Peer Supporter
- Paul Sohi, Autodesk Designer
- Brian Heckathorn, CPO, Hanger Clinic